Demo Java Addin

Check how Demo java addin works

Demo Java Addin


Domino console command to install this app on your server:

tell Genesis install javaaddindemo

Install in MyAccount (for Prominic customers only)

Source code

If the project doesn't open in Moonshine-IDE, then run Project > Import Genesis Directory Application and paste the below URL.

Curious how to develop your own Domino Java Addin? Here is a very simple demo, check it out and enjoy new posibilities that open Java Addin world!

Version: 1.0.0

    "title": "JavaAddinDemo v${version}",
    "versionjson": "${versionjson}",

        "version": "${version}",
        "active": "1",
        "runjava": "JavaAddinDemo"

    "steps": [
        "title": "Step 1. Download needed files",
        "files": [
                "from": "${baseurl}/0/${docid}/$FILE/JavaAddinDemo-${version}.jar",
                "to": "JavaAddin/JavaAddinDemo/JavaAddinDemo-${version}.jar"
        "title": "Step 2. Register Java Addin",
        "notesINI": [
                "name": "JavaUserClassesExt",
                "value": "GJA_JavaAddinDemo",
                "multivalue": true,
                "sep": ","
                "name": "GJA_JavaAddinDemo",
                "value": "JavaAddin/JavaAddinDemo/JavaAddinDemo-${version}.jar"
        "title": "Step 3. Restart All JavaAddins",
        "commands": ["restart"]
        "title": "Step 4. Final",
        "messages": ["SUCCESS: JavaAddinDemo has been installed", "All addins will be restarted automatically"]
