Tool for analizing log.nsf for reject mail motivation
Domino console command to install this app on your server:
tell Genesis install mailanalysis
Install in MyAccount (for Prominic customers only)
Source code
This tool is able to analyze log.nsf in R6 format in order to discover why a mail has been rejected:
black list, relay, local smtp error, unknown user, policy reason, other.
Version: 1.43.0
"title": "Mailanalysis v${version} (OpenNTF)",
"versionjson": "${versionjson}",
"version": "${version}"
"steps": [
"title": "--- Step 1. Download the template ---",
"files": [
{"from": "${baseurl}/0/${docid}/$FILE/manalysis_v1.43.ntf", "to": "${directory}/manalysis_v1.43.ntf"}
"title": "--- Step 2. Create a new database from the template ---",
"databases": [
"action": "create",
"filePath": "manalysis.nsf",
"title": "Mailanalysis v${version} (NotesMail)",
"templatePath": "manalysis_v1.43.ntf",
"sign": true
"title": "--- Step 3 (final). Completed ---",
"messages": ["You have installed Mailanalysis v${version} (OpenNTF)"]