Vacation Manager

Manage Vacation requests in your organization

Vacation Manager


Domino console command to install this app on your server:

tell Genesis install vacation

Install in MyAccount (for Prominic customers only)

Absence Manager is a Lotus Domino-based Application, which automates the process of managing absences from work. Absence Manager records and manages absences for any reason, including vacation, holidays, sickness, training, appointments, unpaid leaves, and more.

A central calendar details all absences and fully integrates with personal calendars. It also shows the daily percentage coverage of each department for the current and upcoming years, provides detailed statistical information about absences throughout the organization, and automatically calculates the Bradford Factor to identify attendance problem areas.

  • Optimise time management
  • Improved planning & scheduling.
  • Absenteeism Analysis & Trends.
  • Maintenance of accurate records.
  • Increased Control.
  • Reporting Module / Excel compatible
  • Provides a central calendar to all employees showing who is absent throughout the year.
  • Fully integrates with your personal calendar (no design changes required to mail template).
  • Greatly simplifies the process of managing employee absence, one click approval/denial of requests (multiple approvers) with or without comments.
  • Provides an extensive audit trail of employee holidays/absence.
  • Employees have instant access to the number of holidays they have left for the year.
  • Lotus Notes AND web interface
  • Compatible with Notes/Domino R5 / R6 / R7 / R8

Version: 1.0.0

    "title": "Vacation Manager v${version} (OpenNTF)",
    "versionjson": "${versionjson}",

        "version": "${version}"

    "steps": [
        "title": "--- Step 1. Download file ---",
        "files": [
            {"from": "${baseurl}/0/${docid}/$FILE/vacationmanager.nsf", "to": "${directory}/vacationmanager.nsf"}
        "title": "--- Step 2. Sign database ---",
        "databases": [
                "action": "update",
                "filePath": "vacationmanager.nsf",
                "sign": true
        "title": "--- Step 3 (final). Completed ---",
        "messages": ["You have installed Vacation Manager v${version} (OpenNTF)"]
